Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" is a well-known and beautiful piece I’ve heard many times since I was young. It was composed in 1893, near the turn of the century, while Dvorak was spending time in the United States. The New World referred to the United States, a new nation that was about to enter the 20th century.
After World War II, Japan followed and was incorporated into the economic advancement in this hopeful “new world" movement of 20th century America. Sakae Trading was established in 1959(Showa 34), a time of “prosperity” when the economic power of Japan was accelerating.
Sakae Trading in the 20th Century was a time of continuous growth encouraged by the momentum of the nation. We are now standing almost a quarter of our way into the 21st century. Today, international order is undergoing major changes, and political chaos and economic decline is starting to be seen around the world. It has become clear that this new century is different from the majestic and emotional era of Dvorak's symphonies.
Since its founding, Sakae Trading has held the aim "to be a company contributes to Japan and its people." There is no change in our priority to "become a bridge between overseas companies and Japanese companies, and between people," and we have continued this pursuit in our main business of trade. We believe that the foundation for the survival of our company is to have relationships which hold reverence for our business partners, maintain mutual respect, and develop together. Furthermore, we would like to continue to be a company with the knowledge and power to respond quickly to major changes in our surrounding environment, through various means of communication and digital technologies.
Kinuko Hanazaki
President & CEO
Sakae Trading Co., Ltd. was established on Dec 8, 1959 by the former CEO, Ryohei Hanazaki in Nagoya city, Japan. The beginning of our business was export of Japanese industrial sewing machine & parts to Hong Kong and other South East Asian countries. With the expansion of the business, our service products have been extending to various items, such as Embroidery machine & thread, Cutting machine, Fusing Press machine, and Teflon belt. To support our customers, branch offices were opened in Hong Kong in 1974, in Singapore in 1980, and in Malaysia in 1990.
Not only the garment industry, we are dealing with Japanese LPG equipment also. It started in 1960's by exporting the cast iron gas burners to Middle Eastern countries. Our dealing items have expanded to the wide range of Japanese LPG and NG equipment, and business areas have shifted to Southern part of China and other South East Asian countries.
With the development of IT, our business area is expanding to whole world.
Since the establishment of Sakae Trading Headquarters in 1959, our main product has been Japanese industrial sewing machine needles for export to sewing machine wholesalers in Hong Kong. At that time, Hong Kong was around the time when the manufacture and export of apparel products to the United States began to liven up. The era was just like the dawn of the Hong Kong apparel industry. Our Hong Kong branch was established with the aim of expanding the products we handle in order to respond to the ever-developing business in Hong Kong.